
Life in Conflict: Tourists Travelling to Eastern Ukraine Must Exercise Caution

tony tony Follow Nov 03, 2023 · 8 mins read
Life in Conflict: Tourists Travelling to Eastern Ukraine Must Exercise Caution
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Stories from the Russian-Occupied Territories

The eastern regions of Ukraine that are currently under Russian occupation have become popular tourist destinations in recent years, attracting visitors from around the world with their rich history and culture. However, those travelling to the region must be aware of the potential dangers and exercise an abundance of caution. As the story of Yevgenia Yepes, a Spanish citizen of Ukrainian origin, shows - what seems like an ordinary situation can quickly become a dangerous one under the oppressive laws and volatile security situation created by the Russian occupation forces.

Unwittingly Challenging the Russian Occupation

Yevgenia had lived in Spain for many years but still retained her Ukrainian citizenship. During a visit to check on her apartment in the city of Donetsk in 2020, she found that the Russian occupiers had put up their flag on her balcony without permission. Offended by this unlawful action on her private property, she decided to remove the Russian flag. However, in doing so she unwittingly challenged the authoritarian powers that now controlled the city under the guise of the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic”. Within hours, armed men had knocked on her door demanding to enter and search her home under the pretext of responding to false reports. When they discovered she had taken down the flag, Yevgenia was detained and interrogated for hours.

A Week of Uncertainty and Fear

What followed was a harrowing week for Yevgenia and her husband in Spain, as they had no information about where she was being held or her condition. Contacts with Russian-backed authorities in Donetsk provided no useful answers. All they could do was hope she was being held in an isolation cell and not subject to physical abuse, as is common under the opaque “justice” system imposed by the occupiers. The trauma of that period of uncertainty and fear is impossible to imagine for those who have not experienced such a situation of having a loved one disappear without explanation into an unaccountable regime’s detention facilities.

International Pressure Leads to Release

Fortunately for Yevgenia, her case received international attention that may have helped contribute to her eventual release. Her husband contacted embassies and the Ukrainian government raised the issue in negotiations. She was eventually handed over to Ukrainian authorities after several weeks, though not before initially being physically assaulted in custody. While Yevgenia was comparatively lucky to escape with her life, the risks tourists and residents face under Russian occupation are a sobering reminder of how unstable security and unpredictable the situation remains in the occupied east of Ukraine.

Harsh Realities of Living Under Occupation

Behind the tourist promotions and efforts to portray normalcy in places like Donetsk, the harsh realities of living under Russian occupation are easy to overlook. Effective law enforcement has been replaced by arbitrary “decrees” that criminalize any perceived challenges to the puppet authorities’ rule. Locals and visitors alike have seen their basic rights and safety stripped away, leaving them vulnerable to detention, extortion and human rights abuses carried out with impunity. In these conditions, even minor acts of dissent like removing an unwelcome flag from one’s private property can become grounds for detention, interrogation and assault by heavily armed security forces. For travelers, the threat of kidnapping for ransom by criminal groups is an ever-present risk as well.

Weighing Tourism Versus Personal Safety

Given these sobering realities on the ground, any would-be tourists to Donetsk and other occupied cities in eastern Ukraine must carefully weigh the risks to their personal safety. While the beauty and cultural heritage of these historic places remain alluring, venturing into a war zone under foreign occupation requires accepting a level of danger far beyond what safety-conscious travelers would tolerate elsewhere. Incidents like what befell Yevgenia serve as tragic reminders that getting caught in the gears of the oppressive Russian regime’s “justice” mechanisms can ruin or even end lives, no matter one’s citizenship or intentions. For the time being, other destinations that do not come with such unpredictable hazards to health and freedom are likely better choices for most travelers valuing safety above all else.

The Ongoing Struggle for Ukrainian Sovereignty

While Russia continues its brazen land grab in eastern Ukraine, the country and its people remain resolute in resisting the occupation and restoring its territorial integrity. Incidents of defiance like Yevgenia’s short-lived protest, however small, contribute to challenging the legitimacy of Russia’s rule in the captive lands. Major battles may have subsided, but the conflict remains an ongoing geopolitical and information war. For outside observers, sorting truthful reports from the regime’s propaganda requires care and an understanding of its repressive modus operandi. As Ukraine fights to retain sovereignty over its internationally-recognized borders, sympathy and awareness of citizens’ plight under foreign control are crucial elements of supporting the cause of Ukrainian self-determination.

Life in Conflict: Tourists Travelling to Eastern Ukraine Must Exercise Caution

Stories from the Russian-Occupied Territories

The eastern regions of Ukraine that are currently under Russian occupation have become popular tourist destinations in recent years, attracting visitors from around the world with their rich history and culture. However, those travelling to the region must be aware of the potential dangers and exercise an abundance of caution. As the story of Yevgenia Yepes, a Spanish citizen of Ukrainian origin, shows - what seems like an ordinary situation can quickly become a dangerous one under the oppressive laws and volatile security situation created by the Russian occupation forces.

Unwittingly Challenging the Russian Occupation

Yevgenia had lived in Spain for many years but still retained her Ukrainian citizenship. During a visit to check on her apartment in the city of Donetsk in 2020, she found that the Russian occupiers had put up their flag on her balcony without permission. Offended by this unlawful action on her private property, she decided to remove the Russian flag. However, in doing so she unwittingly challenged the authoritarian powers that now controlled the city under the guise of the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic”. Within hours, armed men had knocked on her door demanding to enter and search her home under the pretext of responding to false reports. When they discovered she had taken down the flag, Yevgenia was detained and interrogated for hours.

A Week of Uncertainty and Fear

What followed was a harrowing week for Yevgenia and her husband in Spain, as they had no information about where she was being held or her condition. Contacts with Russian-backed authorities in Donetsk provided no useful answers. All they could do was hope she was being held in an isolation cell and not subject to physical abuse, as is common under the opaque “justice” system imposed by the occupiers. The trauma of that period of uncertainty and fear is impossible to imagine for those who have not experienced such a situation of having a loved one disappear without explanation into an unaccountable regime’s detention facilities.

International Pressure Leads to Release

Fortunately for Yevgenia, her case received international attention that may have helped contribute to her eventual release. Her husband contacted embassies and the Ukrainian government raised the issue in negotiations. She was eventually handed over to Ukrainian authorities after several weeks, though not before initially being physically assaulted in custody. While Yevgenia was comparatively lucky to escape with her life, the risks tourists and residents face under Russian occupation are a sobering reminder of how unstable security and unpredictable the situation remains in the occupied east of Ukraine.

Harsh Realities of Living Under Occupation

Behind the tourist promotions and efforts to portray normalcy in places like Donetsk, the harsh realities of living under Russian occupation are easy to overlook. Effective law enforcement has been replaced by arbitrary “decrees” that criminalize any perceived challenges to the puppet authorities’ rule. Locals and visitors alike have seen their basic rights and safety stripped away, leaving them vulnerable to detention, extortion and human rights abuses carried out with impunity. In these conditions, even minor acts of dissent like removing an unwelcome flag from one’s private property can become grounds for detention, interrogation and assault by heavily armed security forces. For travelers, the threat of kidnapping for ransom by criminal groups is an ever-present risk as well.

Weighing Tourism Versus Personal Safety

Given these sobering realities on the ground, any would-be tourists to Donetsk and other occupied cities in eastern Ukraine must carefully weigh the risks to their personal safety. While the beauty and cultural heritage of these historic places remain alluring, venturing into a war zone under foreign occupation requires accepting a level of danger far beyond what safety-conscious travelers would tolerate elsewhere. Incidents like what befell Yevgenia serve as tragic reminders that getting caught in the gears of the oppressive Russian regime’s “justice” mechanisms can ruin or even end lives, no matter one’s citizenship or intentions. For the time being, other destinations that do not come with such unpredictable hazards to health and freedom are likely better choices for most travelers valuing safety above all else.

The Ongoing Struggle for Ukrainian Sovereignty

While Russia continues its brazen land grab in eastern Ukraine, the country and its people remain resolute in resisting the occupation and restoring its territorial integrity. Incidents of defiance like Yevgenia’s short-lived protest, however small, contribute to challenging the legitimacy of Russia Life in Conflict: Tourists Travelling to Eastern Ukraine Must Exercise Caution

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