
My Unforgettable Backpacking Trip through Indonesia

tony tony Follow Jan 04, 2024 · 8 mins read
My Unforgettable Backpacking Trip through Indonesia
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Exploring the Islands

Starting in the Capital of Jakarta

I started my 27-day trip in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. While the locals were extremely friendly, the traffic was incredibly hectic. Navigating through the busy streets took some getting used to.

Trekking Volcanoes in Java

Java Island is famous for its active volcanoes. I climbed three of them - Mt. Papandayan, Mt. Bromo, and Ijen Crater. Breathing in the sulfur fumes at Ijen Crater surely shortened my life by at least a year, but the breathtaking views from the rim were worth it. Seeing an erupting volcano with my own eyes was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Surfing the Waves in Bali

Next, I traveled to the island of Bali. While the popular tourist area of South Bali lived up to expectations, the natural beauty of the entire island surpassed them. I spent time surfing the waves, playing beach football, and going on a surfing date. The island had so much to offer beyond the tourist spots.

Snorkeling Off Nusa Penida

My trip to Nusa Penida, just east of Bali, was supposed to be only two days but I ended up staying five. The crystal clear waters offered incredible snorkeling amidst bright coral reefs. I spotted a pod of dolphins and witnessed multiple rainbows forming over the ocean. The natural scenery was breathtaking.

Celebrating Milestones

Scuba Diving Shipwrecks on my Birthday

On my birthday, I treated myself to a few scuba dives at the famous US Liberty wreck in Amed. The Third-best wreck diving site in the world, it was exhilarating exploring the centuries-old ship underwater. That night, I saw the Milky Way in all its glory and made a wish that unexpectedly came true.

Surviving a Powerful Earthquake in Lombok

While I had planned to be in Lombok, an extra day of diving in Amed meant I escaped the full force of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake. I experienced strong tremors and multiple aftershocks in my hostel. It was a terrifying night, not knowing when the ground would shake next. I’m glad I avoided the worst of the disaster.

Hitchhiking Adventures on Bali

One memorable evening in Bali, I hitchhiked over 75km along scenic roads, taking in mesmerizing sunset views. It was by far my most adventurous journey that year. The locals were extremely kind, offering me rides whenever they had room in their cars and trucks.

Unforgettable Marine Encounters

Swimming with Turtles in Nusa Penida

The crystal waters around Nusa Penida offered incredible encounters with marine life. I swam with a turtle, which was the third time in three different countries. I consider turtles my spirit animal after this experience.

Mola Mola and Mantas Elude Me

While I didn’t spot my most hoped-for sightings of Mola Mola sunfish or Mantas rays, the diverse sea life more than made up for it. Gliding through coral gardens amid schools of colorful fish was nothing short of magical. My scuba diving and snorkeling in Indonesia’s waters were highly enriching experiences.

Lasting Friendships and Memories

Bonds Formed with Fellow Travelers

Some of my fondest memories are of the people I met along my adventures. One friend gifted me a Harry Potter pendant as a parting gift while another left me a coral heart. Their small tokens reminded me of the strong connections formed during our travels.

Inner Peace Achieved

While I lost some possessions over the trip, I gained inner strength and self-assurance. Getting scammed just twice was also not bad considering. Overall, backpacking through Indonesia’s diverse islands was nothing short of life-changing. The experiences have stayed with me as unforgettable memories.

My Unforgettable Backpacking Trip through Indonesia

Exploring the Islands

Starting in the Capital of Jakarta

I started my 27-day trip in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. While the locals were extremely friendly, the traffic was incredibly hectic with over 9 million vehicles navigating through the busy streets each day. Finding my way around the dense urban infrastructure took some getting used to.

Trekking Active Volcanoes in Java

Java Island is famous for its chain of active volcanoes along its spine. I climbed three of them - Mount Papandayan, Mount Bromo, and Ijen Crater. Breathing in the sulfur fumes at Ijen Crater surely shortened my life expectancy by several months, but the mesmerizing views of its blue sulfur flames at night were worth the health risks. Witnessing an erupting volcano with my own eyes was a once-in-a-lifetime experience I’ll never forget.

Surfing Perfect Waves in Bali

Next, I traveled to the island of Bali, Indonesia’s top tourism destination. While the crowded beaches and party scene of locations like Kuta and Seminyak mostly lived down to the hype, I discovered the interior held natural beauty that surpassed expectations. I spent afternoons surfing Holloways Beach and riding the waves, playing impromptu games of beach football, and going on a fun surfing date with a travel buddy. The island had so much more to offer beyond just the crowded tourist spots.

Snorkeling Coral Gardens in Nusa Penida

My trip to the island of Nusa Penida, located just east of Bali, was supposed to be only two nights but I ended up staying five altogether. The crystal clear turquoise waters offered incredible snorkeling amongst kaleidoscopic coral reefs teeming with tropical fish. During my time in this paradise, I spotted a whole pod of dolphins breaching and witnessed the awe-inspiring sight of multiple rainbows simultaneously forming over the ocean. The natural scenery everywhere I looked was simply breathtaking.

Celebrating Memorable Milestones

Exploring Shipwrecks on my Birthday

On my birthday, I treated myself to three exhilarating scuba dives at the famous Liberty Wreck, located off Amed in northeastern Bali. Considered one of the top three wreck diving sites in Asia, it was a unique thrill exploring and navigating around the centuries-old metal debris of the steamship USS Liberty that sank during World War II. That unforgettable night, I also had the pleasure of seeing the Milky Way galaxy in all its majestic glory due to minimal light pollution away from cities, and curiously made a wish that unexpectedly came true later on my trip.

Surviving a Powerful 7.0 Earthquake in Lombok

While my itinerary had me scheduled to be in Lombok on the neighboring island, cancelling my plans for an extra day of diving in Amed meant I fortunately missed the full force of the catastrophic 7.0 magnitude earthquake that rocked the Gili Islands and Mataram City. Instead, from my hostel lodging in Amed, I experienced strong tremors and aftershocks throughout the night, not knowing when or how strongly the earth would shake next. It was an truly terrifying experience, and I’m grateful I avoided the worst of the widespread damage and loss of life the earthquake caused.

Hitchhiking Epic Sunset Road Trips on Bali

One remarkable evening during my time on the island of Bali, I embarked on a daring journey: hitchhiking over 75 kilometers along scenic coastlines and inland roads, soaking in breathtaking views of vibrant orange sunsets dipping into the Indian Ocean. Fueled by a spirit of adventure, I happily accepted rides from friendly locals in jeepneys, little trucks and cars who helped shuttle me from one striking vista to another. It remains one of the most memorable nights of my whole backpacking trip through Southeast Asia.

Underwater Encounters with Marine Life

Snorkeling with Gracious Sea Turtles in Nusa Penida

The crystal clear waters surrounding the idyllic island of Nusa Penida offered incredible encounters with marine life. During one carefree snorkel session, I had the unique privilege of swimming alongside a sea turtle, observing its graceful motions just a few feet in front of me. As an avid diver, turtles have become one of my spirit animals after interactions like this.

Elusive Marine Giants Just Out of Sight

While I didn’t spot my most coveted sightings of mammoth Mola Mola ocean sunfish or majestic manta rays during my many dives, the diversity of sea life more than made up for any missed opportunities. Passing through kaleidoscopes of hard and soft coral gardens, I was regularly surrounded by swaying schools of vibrant tropical fish. My scuba diving and snorkeling along Indonesia’s magnificent reefs were highly formative experiences I’ll treasure forever.

Lasting Friendships and Priceless Memories

Bonds Formed with Fellow Global Explorers

Some of my most poignant memories revolve around the people I encountered along my escapades across the Indonesian archipelago. Two travelers I bonded with over multiple dives gifted me a magical Harry Potter pendant and an intricately carved coral rose My Unforgettable Backpacking Trip through Indonesia

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