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Exploring Perspectives on Depicting the Vietnam War in Video Games

tony tony Follow Jan 14, 2024 · 5 mins read
Exploring Perspectives on Depicting the Vietnam War in Video Games
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Part 1: Introduction to the Debate

Differing Viewpoints on Portraying Vietnam

There has long been debate around portraying the complexity of the Vietnam War within mainstream video game franchises. Some feel it could be done respectfully to acknowledge the historical nuances, while others are skeptical given franchises’ tendencies to lack subtlety. Both perspectives raise valid concerns around sensitively representing such a traumatic period.

Call of Duty as a Likely Setting

Among the biggest franchises, Call of Duty has flirted with Vietnam settings before but always opted for clearer stories from World War II. Its formula of intense combat in iconic battles fits that war better. However, as graphics improve and narratives mature, could Call of Duty find a way to handle Vietnam’s ambiguity with care and understanding? Both sides of the debate see challenges but disagree on whether the franchise framework allows for it.

Part 2: The Realities of Vietnam Versus Game Conventions

A War Without a Clear Victor or Narrative

One issue is Vietnam lacked a straightforward good vs. evil story. The US failed to achieve victory, muddying a franchise built on heroism. Faithfully portraying moral complexity and the war’s effects, as opposed to exploiting violence, requires nuance beyond games to date.

Respecting Veterans and Families

For many who experienced the war firsthand or lost loved ones, open wounds still exist. Graphic or disrespectful depiction could retraumatize. Paying homage to servicemen and accurately showing psychological tolls demands a sensitivity most games lack.

Adapting Guerrilla Tactics

Rather than set-piece battles, Vietnam featured unpredictable jungle ambushes. Conventional Call of Duty mechanics glorifying combat don’t fit guerrilla warfare’s psychological strains and lack of clear fronts. New systems capturing tension may clash with expectations.

Part 3: Challenges Picking Iconic yet Respectful Settings

Few Large-Scale Battles to Draw From

Compared to seminal WWII clashes, public knowledge of specific Vietnam engagements remains limited. Most fighting occurred across dispersed, small skirmishes instead of decisive showdowns. This scarcity of famous battles challenges constructing memorable levels.

The Tet Offensive: A Military Failure but Propaganda Victory

While inflicting heavy initial losses, North Vietnam’s surprise January 1968 offensive ultimately failed to overthrow the South’s government. Its real impact lay in shaking US public support by disproving optimistic reports of near-victory. But spotlighting a defeat, even a strategic one, goes against franchise tradition.

Ia Drang Valley Provided Glimpses of Horror

One notable battle saw the US 7th Cavalry suffer major casualties against the North Vietnamese in November 1965. This and scenes from We Were Soldiers conveyed war’s brutal reality. Yet focusing too tightly on death and graphic scenes risks losing respect in exchange for shock value gone too far.

Part 4: Futuristic Freedom Versus Historical Responsibility

Established Formula Favors Fantasy Over Fact

Of 15 main Call of Duty titles, only 5 aimed for authentic WWII recreation. The others explored sci-fi or fictionalized scenarios free from history’s constraints. This pattern hints Vietnam’s muddier realities clash more inherently with a franchise thriving on crisp good-and-evil arcs.

Untethering from Real Events Allows Creative Liberty

Distancing plots from specific wars grants freedom manufacturing excitement without limiting to what truly happened. But this flexibility comes at the cost of meaningful commentary, understanding and respect for history. Lessons fade where entertainment precedes authenticity.

Steep Climb Transitioning Conventions to Subtler Settings

After a decade+ depicting definitive victories, transitioning the proven formula risks confusing fans. Yet continuing solely fanservice risks stagnation. Sensitively adapting to new eras demands technical and creative growth, challenging risk-averse studios. Success remains uncertain but the effort could spread awareness.

Part 5: A Potential Path Forward

Incorporating Multiple Viewpoints Sensitivity

One approach sees action through varied protagonists’ eyes, from troops to civilians, showing war impacts everyone and no side holds complete truth. This highlights humanity across divisions.

Focusing Less on Iconic Battles, More on Personal Stories

Shifting emphasis from set-pieces to intimate plots honoring uncommon experiences humanizes conflicts beyond victories and body counts. Micro-stories personalize costs of war for all involved.

Modernizing Systems to Reflect Psychological Horrors

Advanced engines could model guerrilla warfare’s terrors—jungles as threatening environments, missions based on constant uncertainty and suspicion instead of objectives. Conveying stresses might offer new dimensions if executed respectfully.

Part 6: Is There a Way or Is It Too Great a Challenge?

Mainstream Success Remains Uncertain Within Expectations

Translating Vietnam’s nuances risks disappointing those wanting glorified heroics. Its complexities may not suit a leading franchise built on adrenaline. Independent studios face fewer constraints exploring new directions.

Bold Studios Could Succeed Where Others Fear Risks

With creativity and care, lesser-known developers may yet find approaches honoring veterans and history while engaging modern audiences. Next-gen technology enables visualizing Vietnam in new lights if the right balance is struck.

Stepping Outside Formulas Often Yields Fresh Insights

By escaping formulas, works expand understandings in ways franchises risk avoiding. Studios unconcerned with commercial pressures could provide thought-provoking perspectives even major publishers shy from. New voices still shape how history influences the present day.

Part 7: Conclusion - An Unlikely Setting But Room for Other Visions

Overall, sensitively depicting Vietnam within Call of Duty remains challenging due to the franchise’s focus on climactic battles and defined victories. Its proven sales model disincentivizes risks. However, opportunities exist for independent studios unbound by shareholder expectations to deliver novel, thought-provoking interpretations appealing to those seeking depth beyond adrenaline. With care and creativity, new perspectives on appreciating history’s complexity still may emerge.

Written by tony Follow
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